Thank you for joining us on Sunday, May 1, 2022!
We were so excited to welcome everyone to Celebrate Stages!
Our annual entertaining, family-friendly event to celebrate who we are and what we do was held LIVE AND IN-PERSON this year on Sunday, May 1,2022, from 3:00-5:00 p.m., back home at Stages!! We enjoyed time with Stages friends, saw performances by Stages artistic staff and students, discovered the show lineup for next season, honored a super volunteer, helped raise funds for a very special youth theater, and more!
Event Program
Performances by Stages Artistic Staff and Students
Announcement of the 2022-2023 Season
Presentation of the Classic Michael Lynch Award
Presentation of the Standing Ovation Award
Raise funds to help Stages reach its $55,000 goal
Recognize our Graduating Seniors
Stages Seniors 2022
Congratulations to all of our 2022 Stages Seniors!
Lily Aman
Emma Barstow
Zoleigh Borg
Tommy Castellon
Luke Chalone
Lily Cunningham
Hugh Finnigan
Madison Hennessey
Anna Holley
Wisteria Jones
Olivia Kramer
Naomi Marx
Ian Mroczek
Alicia Nichols
Alisia Nowak
Corinne O’Brien
Eva O’Neil
Taylor Ostrowski
Stephen Patchett
Alena Regna
William Spadoni
Julia Tooker
Zack Weaver
Lucas West
Owen West
Cody Zinger